What are foggy windows?

Foggy windows are windows that have moisture trapped between the panes.

This can happen to windows that are only a few years old, but it will eventually happen to all windows.

Windows that get the most amount of direct sunlight will usually be the first to fog up.

Both double pane and triple pane windows can be foggy.

There are various stages of fogginess, but the first sign is when you look out what used to be a clear window, it now looks dirty or unclear.

Defogging a window costs about 1/4 to 1/3 the price of replacing the glass, so timing is critical!

If you are noticing the first signs of fog in your windows, rest assured they will continue to deteriorate as time goes on and at some point they will be untreatable and need to be replaced.

Below are examples of some windows that are fixable and some that are not.

Can my foggy window be fixed?

Foggy windows in their early stages can be defogged!

Our goal is to restore your window to 90% or better of its original quality!

The most visible trait of a treatable window is moisture - the wetter the better!

These pictures are of foggy windows that can be treated.

What if my foggy window looks worse than these?

When a window has been foggy for a long time, it begins to show signs of damage that are not reversable.

Minerals in the moisture can etch the glass and cause discoloration.

Eventually, the sun’s heat will start to ‘cook’ your window.

The windows pictured below are in the mid-stages of fogginess - some of them will clear, some of them will not - we won’t know until we try!

What if my foggy window looks even worse?

Below are pictures of windows that are not treatable.

If your window(s) look anything like these, the glass must be replaced.

The lesson here is this: Don’t wait until they are this bad!

Fortunately, you do not have to replace the entire window frame, just the glass. Click here for a quote.

If you’ve made it all the way down here, jump over to our pricing page and get yourself a quote!